I was born in Leeds, UK, and attended art college in Dewsbury and Middlesbrough, leaving with a HND Distinction. After a spell alternating freelance commissions with work for a sign painting company, I settled for a few years as a concept artist in the computer games industry. However, the lure of freelance art proved too strong, and I returned to work as an independent illustrator in 1998. I still reside in Leeds, UK, and travel to attend conventions in the USA and Europe as often as my work schedule permits.
Please feel free to contact me with any queries regarding commercial art commissions, or the purchase of original artwork. There is a contact form on this webpage or - in case of internet gremlins - you can write to me directly at: at: waynereynoldsart@ntlworld.com (not a live link - please copy & paste this address into your e-mail's ‘To’ field).
If you are thinking of contacting me with a query regarding my work, you may find the answer to your question on the FAQ page (especially if you have a query regarding prints).
If the answer to a query isn't already provided here on the FAQ page, I'll do my best to provide reply. However, sometimes my busy work schedule prevents me from replying promptly. I will usually reply within a few days of receiving a message. I'm aware that incoming e-mails can occasionally go missing in cyberspace, so if no reply is received it's always worth resending your original query.
1987- Crawshaw High School
1988 - Dewsbury and Batley Technical Art College (Pre-BA)
1990 – Cleveland College of Art & Design (HND)
1990 -1993, Signwriter at NB Signs
1993 – 1995, Freelance Illustrator
1995 – 1998, Lead Concept Artist at Dreamweavers/Gremlin
1998 – present, Freelance Illustrator
Death Master – Black Skull Games
Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition - Wizards of the Coast
Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition - Wizards of the Coast
Dungeons & Dragons; Eberron - Wizards of the Coast
Dungeons & Dragons; Forgotten Realms - Wizards of the Coast
Dungeons & Dragons; Fading Suns - Wizards of the Coast
Dungeons & Dragons Miniature Game - Wizards of the Coast
Dungeon Twister - Asmodee
Dungeon Twister 2; Prison – Asmodee/Ludically Games
Freeport RPG – Green Ronin
Heroes of the Jade Oath – Rite Publishing
Judge Dredd RPG – Mongoose Publishing
Magic; The Gathering – Wizards of the Coast
Middle Earth Roleplaying Game - Iron Crown Enterprises
Pathfinder RPG – Paizo Publishing
Pendragon RPG – Chaosium Publishing
Rolemaster - Iron Crown Enterprises
Slaine RPG – Mongoose Publishing
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Game – Green Ronin
Warhammer Battle Books – Black Library Publishing
Warlord – Reaper Miniatures
World of Warcraft TCG, Upperdeck/Blizzard Entertainment
World of Warcraft Miniatures Game, Upperdeck/Blizzard Entertainment
Comic Art Credits
Future Shocks - 2000AD/ Judge Dredd Megazine
Judge Dredd - 2000AD/ Judge Dredd Megazine
Kal Jericho - Warhammer Monthly
Missionary Man - Judge Dredd Megazine
The Redeemer - Warhammer Monthly
Slaine - 2000AD/ Judge Dredd Megazine